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Messages - RoadBlock

Pages: [1]
Guest Book / Re: Hey BF4 Gamers
« on: February 13, 2014, 07:48:46 AM »

I got your email, sorry for not responding.  I'll be in Friday night.  This week was a little busy.  I'm the President of the community baseball league, we had signups and meetings all this week.  Throw in my kids sports, and I haven't been home at all this week during the evening.  I'll catch you guys tomorrow night (Friday)

Guest Book / Re: Hey BF4 Gamers
« on: February 12, 2014, 08:39:06 AM »
LOL  Let's say it's easier to accept that some snot nosed punk, who has no life, is killing me than someone older.

Guest Book / Hey BF4 Gamers
« on: February 11, 2014, 01:54:24 PM »
Just wanted to introduce myself.  My BF4 name is Road_Blauck.  (It's pronounced Road Block, but someone else grabbed that name before me and I hated having numbers in my handle)

Anyway, I've been an avid gamer all my life.  I've played all of the Battlefield games at some point, some more than others.  I happened upon your server one day and liked the feel and the group of guys that played here.   I've been in clans before with previous BF games.  I enjoyed the teamwork aspect of being with like minded people.  I like playing this game as a group and as part of the team.  Unfortunately, as a non-BR player, on your server I get "auto-balanced" a lot or I get "adjusted" for skill balance.  Anyway, regardless if you guys let me in your group, I still have BR as a favorite server.

A little about me, I'm a married, father of 3, and live just north of Cincinnati, Ohio.  I'm guessing I may be a little bit older than most of you, except for maybe GrandpaUbu.  I'm a mechanical engineer and I work on the sales side of my industry as a designer.  Outside of work and gaming, I coach a 12U girls softball team and still play softball myself.  The only other game I play regularly, is NASCAR 2003.

Well, I look forward to trading kills with you in the near future.  I think the next time I'll be free to join the server is Friday night.  I'll look for you guys then.

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